Christiansburg High School Counseling

Parent Resource Center

Coffee with the Counselor - Wednesdays -  Click on the picture below.

Helpful tips for families to navigate challenging topics with their students.  Just click on the text below each topic.

The Role of the School Counselor - October 7th

Bullying - October 14th

Self Esteem and Building Confidence - October 21st

Anxiety - October 28th

Internet Safety 

November 4th

Positive Discipline Strategies  November 11th

Homework Tips 

 November 18th

Building Parent/Child Relationships 

November 25th

Anger Management Strategies December 2nd


 December 9th

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

Other Important Resources - Click on the picture below

Camp Kesem

VDOE Summer Residential Governor's School

VDOE Governor's World Language Academies

Christiansburg High School Website

NRV Counseling Resources

Academic/Career Planning

Common App Step-by-Step Guide

MCPS Social Services

Check in with your School Counselor

Please click and complete the form.